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Where To Buy

With every level of State, County and Local governments waging war on gun dealers, it's a wonder there are any left at all.  But there are. And one, in particular, seems not only to survive but to thrive!  It's not a "sporting goods" store.  It's not a mega-chain store.  It's a locally owned and operated mom-n-pop place - but it's a small business with a HUGE inventory. Their ads are fond of exclaiming that they are not Gun City or Gun Country - they are Gun WORLD! We've found it to be true. Located in Burbank, CA, in a relatively small storefront, they have an unmatched multi-million dollar inventory. It's like shopping online (where everything can be seen at the click of a button) but it's live!  No ordering from an online pic here - they've got the guns in stock for you to see and touch before buying.
Equally impressive is their staff. With a low-pressure approach and the most intricate professional knowledge, they never fail to impress.  A friend was recently building a new, CA compliant "featureless" AR rifle. Gun World had all of the parts he needed, from stripped uppers and lowers to the smallest of detents and springs and pins. Once in the store, he was guided through the purchase by a member of their staff who has built over 30 AR rifles! When the subject turned to optics, another staffer approached.  He's a former USMC sniper.  With two tours in Iraq.  And one in Afganistan. Wow. 
This is not the sort of inventory or staff you'll find in any other SoCal shop.
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